Solar Energy 101

How solar panels convert sunlight into usable electricity

How Does Solar Power Work?

Before we talk about all the benefits of solar energy, you may be wondering how those solar panels will work once installed on your home. Here’s how solar energy works: 

  • Solar panels harness the energy from the sunlight to create direct current (DC) electricity.
  • Solar inverters convert DC electricity into alternating current (AC) electricity which can then be used in your home.
  • Your electrical panel manages and distributes the AC electricity throughout your home.
  • A utility meter connects your home to the electrical grid and tracks your use of electricity. Any extra electricity not used or stored in a battery is then sent back out to the grid.
  • In times of low sunlight, your panels may not generate enough electricity, at which point current is drawn from the grid to help power your home.

Solar Energy Benefits

Renewable Energy Source

Solar energy is a clean source of energy that can help reduce your carbon footprint. It’s accessible every day and will not run out.

Lowered Electrical Costs

Using solar energy will reduce your dependence on the electrical grid and ultimately lead to a reduction in your home & business power bills.

Boost Home Value

Research shows that a home’s value increases with the installation of solar panels: around 4% higher on average according to Zillow.

Low Maintenance

Solar panels have no moving parts, which means zero wear and tear. Additionally, warranties provide peace of mind for up to 25 years.

Read More About The Benefits Of Solar Energy


No need for outside supply or attachment. The only cost associated with solar is the cost of installation, which can be financed should you need it.


Fossil fuel generated electricity releases carbon dioxide and methane, two potent greenhouse gasses. Solar panels, on the other hand, have no emissions whatsoever. Widespread adoption of solar can curtail climate change. Converting to this clean, natural energy source will slash the negative impact your household or business has on the environment.


There is a 30% Federal tax credit on the cost of any solar project in the US. This credit also applies to any work that needs to be done in service of your solar project. This means that if you need to replace your roof or remove some trees for your installation, you can get a 30% credit on the total cost of these projects together.


The sun bombards our planet with free, renewable energy each day. Nonrenewable energy production requires the burning of fossil fuels which are known to be limited resources. This dirty energy also requires lots of water to produce electricity. By embracing solar, you are taking advantage of infinite, free energy provided by the sun and conserving water needed for the flora and fauna in your community to thrive.


Not only do you reduce the amount of electricity you must purchase from your utility company, but with solar storage, your home can continue to run during blackouts or other grid disruptions. Imagine a home that runs on electricity you generate yourself – this is the promise of solar energy.


A 2006 study found that homes with solar panels appreciated 15 percent faster than comparable homes without solar panels. A subsequent 2008 study found that homes with solar panels and energy-efficient features sold faster than homes that consumed more energy. And two 2015 studies from Berkeley National Labs found that home buyers are willing to pay about $15,000 more for a home equipped with an average-sized solar array than a comparable home without solar panels.


Recent years have seen massive strides in solar efficiency and design. The unsightly, inefficient panels of yesteryear are no more! Today solar is sleek, chic, and affordable. Communities across the US and the world at large are beginning to make moves to run themselves on solar energy. Why not join the energy movement of tomorrow, today?

Solar FAQs

When can I schedule my free solar consultation?

If you are interested in going solar, our team of experts would love to chat! We can work with you to schedule time for an initial consultation – a process that usually takes around 30-45 minutes. Our initial consultations can be done on-site or remotely – the choice is yours!

From there, we will put together an initial proposal using measurements we take of your roof with satellite technology. During this process, we will work with you to tailor a solar system optimized to your house, consumption patterns, and long-term goals.

Get solar panels for your home or business and see savings for decades to come – schedule a consultation today!

How will solar affect my home value?

A solar system lowers your monthly power bill. But there is a growing body of evidence that a home solar system increases the resale value of a home more than the initial investment in the system. Here are a few studies regarding the effect solar panel installation has on home values:

  • Berkeley Lab found home solar increases the value of a home by $3.00 per system watt.
  • Zillow says home solar increases resale value by an average of 4.1%.
  • According to data assembled by the Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE), an average-sized solar array can increase the value of your home by approximately $15,000.

Some lenders will also include the cost of living in a home in their calculations to determine a customer’s ability to keep up with mortgage payments. Those lenders will naturally be willing to lend more money to buyers looking to purchase a solar home since living costs in those homes are lower. This makes solar homes easier to sell at a higher price.

How long will my solar system last?

Without any moving parts, solar panels last a very long time and require next to no maintenance. They can continue to perform for 40+ years. Their performance degrades slightly over the years, usually around 0.3% per year. Solar panels are typically warrantied to perform at 80 to 85% of their nameplate-rated production capacity after 25 years.

The inverter is the only major component of a solar panel system which requires occasional maintenance. Today’s inverters are warrantied for 12 to 15 years and manufacturers are now beginning to offer extended warranties up to 20 or 25 years.